Кашмарский изюм, один из самых популярных сортов иранского изюма, делится на две категории: зеленый изюм и золотой изюм.

Золотой длинный изюм

Золотой кашмарский изюм, также известный как длинный золотой изюм. Этот вид изюма короче зеленого кашмара, его сушат в тени, поэтому он имеет золотисто-желтый цвет и особенный вкус.

Golden Long Raisins

Из чего сделан длинный золотой изюм?

Pikami seedless grapes should be used to produce long Golden Raisins. Ripe and sweet grapes are collected from the trees after cleaning, they enter the drying room, and after being immersed in a solution of green oil and water, they are hung on galvanized wires. The production process of golden raisins is similar to green raisins, with the difference that after hanging the grapes from the wires, sulfur smoke is introduced into the rooms for a short time and then they are allowed to dry. Grape drying rooms are made with small width and long length and have vents for air circulation. 

Depending on the weather conditions, the type of grapes, and the conditions of the drying room, the drying time of grapes varies, and usually it may take from one week to three weeks. After drying, the raisins obtained from the wires are collected and packed in 3 kg cartons and sent to the washing and sorting workshops.
After the raw raisins enter the factory, a sample is taken from it and sent to the laboratory.

If it meets our standards enters the production line and goes through the following processes:

  1. It is washed two to three times until it is completely free of soil and plant residues
  2. It is transferred to the oven to dry and reduce its humidity
  3. It passes through a laser sorting machine to separate the burnt seeds
  4. They pass through the X-ray scanning machine to separate materials such as glass and stone.
  5. It passes through the metal detector to separate if there is metal in the raisins

Golden Kashmar Raisins are available in the following size

Standard: 200-250 per 100 grams (depends on crop year).

Harvest Time of Golden Kashmari Raisin

Golden Long Raisins Harvest Season starts in late September and Mid-October.

Golden long raisins nutrition fact





Energy Value

1361.4 kJ

Total Sugars


320.8 Kcal



·         Glucose


·         of which saturated fatty acids



·         Fructose


·         Sucrose











750 mg



Total dietary fiber




How to add the benefits of Golden Kashmar Raisins to our diet?

Golden Kashmari Raisins are a nutritious & sweet addition to your baked or raw recipes such as:

    • Bread & Confectionery: Great sweetness of Golden Kashmar raisins can make it possible to use this product in cookies, cakes, pies, tarts, and puddings.
    • Granola: many are enjoying the Oats now, but Oat is never complete without the delicacy of raisins. For a more appetizing color, we recommend Golden Kashmar Raisins.
    •  Energetic Snack: some consumers, like Athletes, mix Golden Kashmar Raisins with Dried figs, pistachio, and dried fruits to fulfill their body needs.
    • Salad: You can blend green raisins with your salad to complete a nutritious meal for your body.
    • Smoothie: Golden Kashmar Raisins give a unique tangy-sweet taste to your smoothies.

Iranian Golden Kashmari Raisins Supplier and Exporter

As a well-known supplier and exporter of golden kashmar raisins, Arah Company has always tried to achieve the satisfaction of its customers by following the latest market trends.

Please contact us to get the product specification and wholesale price of Golden long raisins.

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